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The global GME Leaders Exchange series offers senior HR and global mobility leaders an exclusive platform to discuss challenges, corporate strategy, industry trends and share experiences in a closed-door, collaborative, peer to peer environment. 

As an alliance of 340 offices in 100 countries offering specialist expertise in tax, immigration, and legal services, AGA is strategically positioned to support businesses navigating the complexities of cross-border mobility. With a proven track record in providing tailored solutions to those with global workforce challenges, AGA is proud to contribute to discussions in this fast-changing sector. 

As Exchange Sponsor for the afternoon session AGA will be represented at this ‘invitation-only’ event by UK members David Gibbs, International Corporate Tax Partner at Alliotts (part of the Shaw Gibbs Group), and Graeme Kirk, Senior Counsel at Ellisons Solicitors. Together, they will lead roundtable discussions with senior global mobility professionals on some of the key challenges, strategic priorities, and emerging trends impacting global workforce mobility. 

David and Graeme look forward to engaging with participants at the event. Attendees who would like to arrange an introduction or learn more about AGA ahead of the session can contact Melloney Pritchard (melloney@alliottglobal.com) in the first instance.

Find out how AGA's Global Mobility team can support you to manage your mobile workforce here.

Further reading:

Alliott Global Alliance joins Global Mobility Executive as Trusted Partner

About Alliott Global Alliance:

Founded in 1979, and with 225 member firms operating out of 340 offices in some 100 countries Alliott Global Alliance (AGA) is an international alliance of independent, law, accounting, and  advisory firms, working across the world Together as One.

Each of our members share a common goal: to learn and share knowledge, resources, and opportunities to make the world smaller and their businesses stronger. We work with a spirit of generosity and openness — so that together, we can continue to fulfil our ambitions, gain greater experience, and drive mutual success.

Alliott Global Alliance is expanding fast, and the alliance has its sights set firmly on growing its legal and accounting membership to over 100 countries. Opportunities are available to independent professional firms in specific countries in Africa, Europe, China, the ASEAN region, Australasia, the Gulf Cooperation Council region, Central and South America and in North America. For information about membership email membership@alliottglobal.com.