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Providing real estate solutions worldwide

Real estate forms a significant proportion of the work undertaken by Alliott Global Alliance member firms for their private and corporate clients.

Specialist knowledge delivered in every market

Specialist knowledge of the unique characteristics of local real estate markets worldwide is available to those investing in real estate and to organisations whose success is linked inextricably to strategic utilization of real estate. The close personal relationships between Alliott Group members ensure that when real estate matters cross into different jurisdictions, advice for the client is joined up, with risks understood and opportunities maximized.

Real estate law & tax advisory services

The services we offer include:

  • Commercial leases
  • Construction law
  • Cost segregation 
  • Debt & equity finance 
  • Disputes
  • Foreign exchanges (via Preferred Partner Xe) 
  • Inheritance tax & estate planning 
  • Joint ventures
  • Landlord & tenant law
  • Planning & environmental law
  • Real estate development contracts
  • Real estate investment structures
  • Site selection & due diligence 
  • Tax credits & incentives

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