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Bruce, Shareholder at New York based Farkouh Furman & Faccio (FF&F) and Guillermo, Partner at Villegas & Villegas in Monterrey, Mexico, have been appointed to the committee effective Sep 1 and will serve five-year terms.

The alliance’s four regional advisory committees form an important part of AGA’s governance structure by representing the members’ interests and views in their respective regions. Bruce and Guillermo take on roles that will see them become advocates for their respective region’s members on matters relating to the fast-changing accounting profession and evolving needs of clients, and the regional business community. Both will play an important role in supporting implementation of regional strategy.

Bruce and Guillermo join the Advisory Committee following the completion of successful tenures by Dave Wilson of Grant Bennett Associates in Sacramento.

Bruce comments:

“It is an honor to be appointed to this position on the North America Regional Advisory Committee. Our alliance continues to appoint high calibre, independent professional firms that offer a wide range of expertise to domestic and foreign clients operating in North America and in all other world regions. I look forward to the challenge ahead and to helping set out AGA’s strategy to target and recruit further law and accounting firms in major commercial centers across the United States.

Guillermo said:

“As a member of the North America Regional Advisory Committee, I am delighted to be able to contribute to the strategic planning of our alliance and look forward to representing the interests and views of our growing alliance of market-leading independent law and accounting firms in Mexico and the wider North American region.”

Daryl Petrick, North America Regional Chair of Alliott Global Alliance, adds:

“Despite the challenges of recent years, the alliance has significant momentum in the North America region, and it is important that we continue to pursue our development targets. We are very thankful to Dave and Mark, who have been instrumental in guiding our vision over many years and helping to take the region to a new level.

“It is great to have Bruce and Guillermo on board and their appointment reflects our continued commitment to ensuring we have the right people on the team to help move us forward over the next few years.”

Giles Brake, Alliott Global Alliance’s CEO, said:

“The alliance is growing in North America, but our members and their clients continue to face unprecedented challenges in this post-COVID period - Bruce and Guillermo have strong reputations within and beyond AGA and will bring insights that ensure we remain relevant and ahead of the game in being responsive to the changing needs of member firms and their clients. I look forward to collaborating with our new team members in the years ahead.”

About Alliott Global Alliance:

Founded in 1979, and with 215 member firms in 95 countries Alliott Global Alliance is an international alliance of independent, law, accounting, and specialist advisory firms, working across the world Together as One.

Each of our members share a common goal: to learn and share knowledge, resources, and opportunities to make the world smaller and their businesses stronger.

We work with a spirit of generosity and openness — so that together, we can continue to fulfil our ambitions, gain greater experience, and drive mutual success.

Alliott Global Alliance is expanding fast, and the alliance has its sights set firmly on growing its legal and accounting membership to 100 countries. Opportunities are available to independent professional firms in specific countries in Africa, but also in Europe, China, the ASEAN region, Australasia, the Gulf Cooperation Council region, Central and South America and in North America. For information about membership email membership@alliottglobal.com.