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Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine

We have created our 'Lawyers Helping Ukraine' (Юристи допомагають Україні) initiative to extend support to all those affected by the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. We want to play our part in helping all those who are losing their homes and livelihoods and being separated from their families.  

An international team of lawyers extending from Europe to the Middle East to North America is joining hands across the world to provide pro bono (free) support to Ukrainians needing advice on the correct processes for securing refugee status in another host country, visas, and on other legal issues, and to international businesses seeking advice on how to relocate their Ukraine based employees. 

Reach out to a member of our international team below to discuss your situation and we will endeavour to help. 

Supporting The Red Cross

As part of our Giving Back tradition, we have recently made a donation to The British Red Cross to get support and protection to as many of those as possible who are caught up in this conflict. We want to play our part in getting food, water, first aid, medicines, warm clothes and shelter to those who need it. We all continue to hope for peace as soon as possible.

If you would like to make a donation, we encourage you to support The Red Cross campaign in your country. 

For more information on Lawyers Helping Ukraine, contact Alliott Global Alliance's CEO Giles Brake