

This is the inaugural meeting of the Transfer Pricing Group, a sub-group of our International Tax Services Group. We plan to have regular bi-monthly calls to not only share information but to also develop stronger relationships between those Alliott Group professionals with expertise or an interest in transfer pricing so that this leads to business exchange and joint marketing activity that will drive new opportunities for members in this dynamic service area. 

* Introduction

* Part 1: Transparency:
OECD BEPS Action 12 “Mandatory Disclosure Rules”
Initiative at the EU level through a new Directive on Administrative Cooperation (so-called “DAC 6”) to be implemented in the national law of EU countries.
- The idea is to explain what are the objectives of those measures and the consequences for intermediaries (like tax advisors) in their day-to-day practices and also to hear from the audience what’s happening outside the EU with respect to the OECD BEPS Action 12.
- In order to improve efficiency, we suggest to all participants to read the Preamble of the Directive attached before the call (p. 1 – 4). We will also prepare a slide-deck that we will share beforehand with you. By the way, we also found interesting article on European Taxation (via IBFD) on this subject. Do you by any chance have access to this periodical (see attached)?

* Part 2: Intra-group financing: we would like to have materials for the International Tax Express Newsletter on Alliott website about a hot topic for our clients. We were thinking to write about the intra-group financing and the impact of BEPS Action 4 (“Limitation on Deduction Interests”) and subsequent EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive 2016/1164 (that has already been implemented in national law of various EU Countries). We would suggest to ask who would find this topic interesting and would be willing to participate.

Dial in details

Topic: Transfer Pricing Group Video Call

Time: Sep 17, 2019 02:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 926 722 5002

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        +353 6 163 9031 Ireland

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        +65 3165 1065 Singapore

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        +27 87 551 7702 South Africa

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        +34 917 873 431 Spain

        +41 31 528 09 88 Switzerland

        +41 43 210 70 42 Switzerland

        +41 22 518 89 78 Switzerland

        +90 216 900 1866 Turkey

        +90 216 900 2606 Turkey

Meeting ID: 926 722 5002

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