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Alliott Partellas Kiliaris Ltd
77 Strovolos Avenue,
Strovolos Center, Office 201

Alliott Partellas Kiliaris Ltd has extensive experience in serving international clients, and are ready to help clients understand what Cyprus has to offer and give assistance in establishing and operating an International Business Company in Cyprus.

Cyprus, a full member of the EU as from 1st May 2004, can offer the lowest tax regime in Europe. As an already established international financial centre with a wide network of Double Tax Treaties, an excellent legal and economic infrastructure and numerous other advantages, Cyprus may well be the answer to your international tax planning requirements.

Services offered

Practice areas

  • CFO / financial outsourcing
  • Company secretarial services
  • Audit & assurance
  • International private client services
  • Payroll outsourcing
  • Personal taxation

Sector specialisations

  • Manufacturing
  • Construction
  • Healthcare
  • Food & beverage
  • Shipping & Admiralty
  • Retail & wholesale
  • Telecommunications
  • Government & public sector

For any services not listed above, contact AGA global headquarters for immediate support. Email jenny@alliottglobal.com