Our digital collaboration
hub has gone live

Can I edit my profile using this app?

No - If you want to edit your profile, currently this will need to be done on while logged into the Alliott Global Alliance website. 

Will this app work offline?

Yes - This app has been designed so that you will never be left with an 'empty shell' - the latest content that you downloaded to the app during previous use will always be available to you, even when you do not have a data or WIFI connection. The next time you are connected, if new content is available, you will be prompted to download it. 

How often is the app updated?

Difficult to say exactly, but typically once a week unless there is an urgent update which needs to be published. This will ensure that the need to update the content of the app does not disturb your mobile usage. 

Can I register for an event using the app?

Currently, this feature is not available, but it is in our future plans. 

Will the app use my data allowance if it updates while I'm not on a WIFI?

The updates that we publish are very small in terms of size (MB), so if you are on a data connection, you do not need to worry about exceeding your data usage limit. You will always be asked for your permission before any update is downloaded. 

Is the data in the app about me secure?

All data is stored on a secure Microsoft Azure server, so we have taken every precaution to ensure that your data is safe. The app is monitored carefully so if there is a breach, we will know and we will inform users. The app is available only to current members, not the general public. All users are required to login to the app on first time usage and enter an authentication code. As and when member firms resign from the alliance, access to the app by their employees will be withdrawn. 

Contact us

Contact a member of the Executive Office using the details below. We endeavour to reply to any enquiries within one working day. 

Tel: +44 (0)203 330 0110
Email: marketing@alliottglobal.com